Eddie Leroux gave this name to a cheese-flavored pate a choux puff (gougere) piped full of truffled goat cheese, or a stiff truffle bechamel. Bechamel works the best because the sauce thins as its heated inside the gougere and comes out creamy and earthy. The flour doesn't dampen the truffle flavor at all. The goat cheese is a lot more acidic and will make the gougere soggy after a short time. Still delicious and you should eat them immediately regardless.
There's really no end to what you could pipe into these little bad boys. I'm particularly fond of smoked salmon mousseline.
700g milk
700g water
750g AP flour
300g butter
200g gruyere
14 eggs
30g salt
1. combine milk, water, butter and salt together in a pot and bring to a boil.
2. Add flour and stir vigorously 15 minutes.
3. Put the appariel in a mixer and add eggs one at a time.
4. add cheese
5. Pipe into tear drop shapes. Smooth out any wrinkles with fingers.
6. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese
7. bake at 350 until puffed and golden. Turn down oven to dry out.