I didn't take this picture so it's not my fault it looks bad. For some reason it's almost impossible to find a leg of lamb with the sirloin or thigh part still attached. Instead you get the shank half, with or without the bone. This is ok as long as you cook it rare to medium rare (125-130 degrees F) any more well done and you might as well slather yogurt on it and wrap it in a pita.
I went to a job interview this morning and the executive chef told me "everything has already been done, either accidental or otherwise." I took a queue from this and used a recipe from Gourmet magazine. The April '05 issue included a recipe entitled Anchovy and Rosemary Roasted Lamb. I didn't quite follow the recipe exactly so I'm not worried about the feds busting down my door for posting this recipe I did, adapted from the one in the magazine. I served it with a garlic and red pepper couscous with pistachios and mint pesto. Here's how I did it!:
Roast Leg of Lamb:
1 (4-5lb) shank half semi-boneless leg of lamb
5 large cloves garlic, finely minced
6 1/2 anchovy fillets, finely minced
3 Tbs olive oil
1 tsp kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mash the garlic and anchovy's into a fine paste, combine with the olive oil and salt and set aside.
Trim all but a thin layer of fat from the lamb roast. Place the lamb in a roasting pan and score the top with a sharp knive. Rub the spice paste all over, making sure it gets into the cracks. Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour.
Stick a thermometer into the thickest part and roast until internal temperature reaches 125-130 degrees. Remove from oven and let sit at least 20 minutes before cutting. Serve with mint tea, mint pesto and couscous.
for the mint pesto:
4 Tbs parsley, finely minced
3 Tbs mint leaves, finely minced
1 Tbs anchovy paste
1/4 cup olive oil
2 Tbs capers, finely minced
1 splash red wine vinegar
For the couscous:
1/4 cup dried couscous
2-3 cups stock
2 Tbs olive oil
1/4 cup pistachios, chopped
5 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 red pepper, seeded and diced
Heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook 2 minutes, stirring. Add the red pepper and pistachios and cook another 2-3 minutes. Add the couscous and stir until coated with oil. Pour in the stock slowly, adding less than you think is necessary. Cook until absorbed, adding more stock if necessary. Serve immediately.
for the mint tea:
Bring a quart of water to boil. put 7-10 mint leaves in a coffee mug or tea glass. Put about 5 drops of lemon juice in the mug. Pour the boiling water over the tea leaves and let steep for 10 minutes, covered. Remove the leaves and stir in a drop of honey before serving.
Damn you bots! Leave my blog alone!
lamb is the goriest looking of the meats. if i made a gore film, i'd tell tom savini to make it look like raw lamb.
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